A Workout for the Slim Feminine Physique – Visual Impact for Women Review

From the creator of Visual Impact Muscle Building, and Visual Impact Cardio, I present to you Visual Impact for Women, the workout guide that was created to give women the kind of physique that they dream about, and that is a “slim feminine physique.”

slim feminine physique

Click Here To Visit The Official Site of Visual Impact For Women 

Let me introduce you to the author first, His name is Rusty Moore he is the owner of one of the top fitness blogs online Fitness Black Book, he rose to fame with his controversial views of how people should train. He is famous for telling it like it is, his first workout guide Visual Impact Muscle Building was a hit amongst the masses, it was one of the first workout guides to offer guys what they really wanted which was to have the lean muscular look, a change from the bodybuilder approach most people offered.

He offered guys the ability to build muscle and not gain fat, he offered guys a way to build muscle that looked aesthetic, a body that would be appealing to the opposite sex, a body that would still fit in normal clothes unlike traditional workouts which caused people to develop a bulky physique that required they wear baggy clothes.

Moving on, after many years he has finally released a workout guide to give women what they want, to give them the kind of physique they want. He wrote this guide with the ordinary woman in mind, the kind of woman who wants to look good in a bikini, not like muscular fitness models.  He says in the first chapter of this 4 part guide “I GET this...yet most of the people in the fitness industry aren’t listening.”

As I have just stated the Visual Impact for Women is a four part book consisting of the main manual (89 pages), Fat Torching Cardio (19 pages), Exercise Demonstrations (229pages) and Printable Workout Charts (6 pages).

Rusty being Rusty had to go against the tide, so in this fitness guide for women, he shares the myths of the fitness industry with regards to female workouts. It was the "lean Hollywood look" for guys and now its the "slim, fit & feminine look" for the ladies.